WOW !!! What a year !!! This time last year we didn't know if we would be around. God willing, here we are. At the end of last year, a young company's grit was tested, for those who know what all went on, it was a clear and direct attack on Wolf Rigs and the future of the Patton was in serious jeopardy. This was our old shop... We were given 7 days to move. Truly they never wanted us there, so it turned out to be a total blessing. We were blessed to be rid of the tyrants at our old facility, lost some friends in the process, but that's a blessing too..

Thanks to Steve, which for those who have not met him, he is and forever will be the happy hour clock. Those at Wolf Rigs know what I am talking about and if you ever get "steve'd" , you'll thank him.... Anyway, he found us our new home. After a week of freaking out and not finding anywhere to go and we literally had a week, found our new home...
So the following week, we took our Christmas trip to Padre Island ( which was in jeopardy of not happening due to the move, but had been planned for months ). We met with Mike & Carrie (Bussy McBusface), and Gypsy (Gypsyundersupervised), spent Christmas and New Year with them and I successfully talked Mike into joining Wolf Rigs team, of which he is now a partner.
Here's a few videos of the trip...
As the New Year drove on, we had a whole bunch of exciting new adventures to our company profile, but the Patton was officially completed on July 6th 2022 ( which was also my 50th birthday ) and I took it on it's maiden voyage to Bend OR for the PNW Overland Expo.
You all know what happened on the way home....
Then the Mountain West Expo, Our first official Patton sales... YAY !!! In this picture, no one knew the engine didn't run....

Mike and I have been hard at work on the new client builds, but also on a new project... which if you come to the RV show, you'll get a sneak peek....
My Grandson comes to the shop and I let him run around and "steve" the guys... ( just kidding, he's not "steve'ing" them ), but he's having fun....
So again, it's Christmas time, and Jenn and I are getting ready for a road trip. We were going to go back to the beach with the crew, but it's supposed to be 55 degrees and rainy, so we opted out. Not sure where all we will go.... but the adventure continues. And now we can go on our adventures in the Patton. More exciting news coming in the new year. So if you're in the Denver area on Jan 5-7th. Come see us at the RV show at the Convention Center. What a year !!!